Sunday, May 20, 2012 'Graduate Guitar Recital' of 'Leo Brouwer: Concerto No. 3' (Elegiaco)

[Leo Brouwer (b. 1939)]

Date of Defense
This thesis presents extended program notes for a recorded graduate classical guitar recital consisting of the following works for solo guitar with string quartet and chamber orchestra: Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Quintet for Guitar and Strings, Op. 143; Leo Brouwer: Concerto No. 3 (“Elegiaco”). Both works are pioneering and invaluable contributions to guitar literature. Tedesco’s Quintet for Guitar and Strings, Op. 143 is the first quintet ever composed to properly showcase the virtuosity of the guitar within a chamber setting. Concerto “Elegiaco” demonstrates the refinement of Leo Brouwer’s use of post-modern tonality and minimalism within classical form, and showcases his unique compositional style.

Recommended Citation
Caboverde, Enrique III, "A Graduate Guitar Recital Consisting of Works by Leo Brouwer and Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco with Extended Program Notes" (2012). FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 640.
[Leo Brouwer (b. 1939) is featured at]

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